Thursday, October 30, 2008


The air has turned crisp here in Virginia and although I'm not a huge fan of cooler weather, I do love snuggling up with a good book under my favorite afghan.

Also top of mind is that the string of holidays are upon us. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas (or Kwanzaa, Chanauka, Festival of Lights or others special to you!) and New Years!

It's not so much the holidays themselves as it is the traditions around them that bring friends and families close that excites me.

This year there is the weight of the bleak economy hanging over us, shrouding the brightness a little. So, I'm starting a tradition. You might find it a good one, too, and it certainly fits right in with your book club planning.
I'm selecting one of my favorite authors who writes a yummy holiday story each year, and giving books as gifts to all my friends. As a writer myself, I take pride in knowing I'm helping my fellow writers and the publishing industries through those sales, too.

If you haven't checked them out ... I highly recommend the adorable series of holiday books by Debbie Macomber. The blocky size of the harcover ones feel special in your hands and all the covers are sparkly and festive. Do a quick search on Macomber Christmas and you'll get a long list to choose from. You can give everyone the same book and make it the book club read OR give everyone a different one.

Try it on for size. An affordable and wonderful gift that can become a tradition between you and your friends.

What do you think?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How to plan a Book Club gathering.


Getting together with friends is an important part of keeping life balance. A book club is an inexpensive and fun way to get folks together. How to get started:

  • Recruit your friends

  • Pick a place-Will you rotate to friends homes or meet up at the local library or coffee shop? The size of your group might limit some options, but many restaurants are happy to see return visitors meet and some even have special accomodations for you. Just ask!

  • If you're meeting at a restaurant, keep the budget in mind. If you're meeting at someone's house will everyone bring something? Or will everyone put four bucks in a fund towards the next hostess meeting? Get creative.

  • Pick a day and time, then stick with the schedule. Be realistic. If everyone has a busy schedule and it's most likely an every other month meeting is going to work best --- then do that. You'll find that most often "the girls" will be able to schedule around your special time if they have it on their calendar. Even if it takes a couple months to get in the groove, sticking with a plan will help you succeed

  • Consider sending out reminder invitations or postcards. There are some cute book club invitations available at , or I've attached a postcard template for you. You can print on card stock and cut them into fours, or buy postcard paper - it's up to you. Right click and save as on the invite file.

  • or use email reminders, provided everyone has e-mail. Be inclusive so everyone feels welcome.
  • Pick your books two at a time in advance. This will insure readers have the chance to purchase, order or check them out from their local library.

  • What to discuss? This can be challenging at first, but did you know that several publishers actually have reader group guides available for their books. If not, don't hesitate to check out your author's website, they may have one on their site, and who knows they may be willing to send you some bookmarks or even call into your meeting.

  • Set expectations upfront. Is this an "adult only" escape from the kids? Then, make it clear or consider having a one-stop babysitter for everyone to use for the night.

  • Most importantly - Have fun.

  • Saturday, October 4, 2008

    There's a Holiday for everything - We're no exception!

    We know that a good read is a great reason to bring us together and share some fun. That's exactly why we're in a Book Club or getting ready to start one of our own.
    Did you know that October is NATIONAL READING GROUP MONTH sponsored by the Women's National Book Association. Visit their site at to take advantage of all the special things they have planned this month.

    Since it’s our month ... I say our Book Club should celebrate!

    How about book club
  • Carton of Orange Juice

  • Bottle of Champagne

  • Just a little Orange Juice and a splash of champagne and you’re in business.
    Break out the crystal or go for a bag of those flutelike plastic numbers from the Dollar Tree.
    Want to really go crazy? Slice a strawberry or kiwi and garnish the rim and raise a pinky.