Getting together with friends is an important part of keeping life balance. A book club is an inexpensive and fun way to get folks together. How to get started:
Recruit your friends
Pick a place-Will you rotate to friends homes or meet up at the local library or coffee shop? The size of your group might limit some options, but many restaurants are happy to see return visitors meet and some even have special accomodations for you. Just ask!
If you're meeting at a restaurant, keep the budget in mind. If you're meeting at someone's house will everyone bring something? Or will everyone put four bucks in a fund towards the next hostess meeting? Get creative.
Pick a day and time, then stick with the schedule. Be realistic. If everyone has a busy schedule and it's most likely an every other month meeting is going to work best --- then do that. You'll find that most often "the girls" will be able to schedule around your special time if they have it on their calendar. Even if it takes a couple months to get in the groove, sticking with a plan will help you succeed
Consider sending out reminder invitations or postcards. There are some cute book club invitations available at , or I've attached a postcard template for you. You can print on card stock and cut them into fours, or buy postcard paper - it's up to you. Right click and save as on the invite file.

or use email reminders, provided everyone has e-mail. Be inclusive so everyone feels welcome.
Pick your books two at a time in advance. This will insure readers have the chance to purchase, order or check them out from their local library.
What to discuss? This can be challenging at first, but did you know that several publishers actually have reader group guides available for their books. If not, don't hesitate to check out your author's website, they may have one on their site, and who knows they may be willing to send you some bookmarks or even call into your meeting.
Set expectations upfront. Is this an "adult only" escape from the kids? Then, make it clear or consider having a one-stop babysitter for everyone to use for the night.
Most importantly - Have fun.
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