Monday, January 30, 2012

2012 - Book Club Fun

Most of the book clubs I've chatted with set their reading lists pretty far in advance. That's nice because it really does give you lead time to come up with fun themes and activities to go with the meeting and keep them fun.

The Suffolk Book Club Babes read my Sweet Tea and Secrets in September 2011. I loved having the opportunity to join them as they discussed the book and shared a night of book club fun. This group has a couple of awesome traditions that you might want to try.

#1 They rotate the meeting to different members homes and they serve a full meal. Whoever is hosting does the main dish and other members bring sides or desserts.
#2 This is my favorite part. They do a scrapbook page for each book they read. What an amazing memory book of their time together. Sandy was nice enough to share some of the scrapbook pages with me to share with you.

I'll be posting them come back and check them out!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Setting a better pace in 2012

Okay, so I have to admit that I almost fell out of my chair when I realized the last time I posted to my Book Club Planning for Book Club Fun blog since September! That was pretty poor planning on my part.

I'm turning over a new leaf in 2012 and will be posting once a month to include ideas and recipes and fun stuff from y'all that will hopefully help make your book club meetings memorable.

So here we go.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Book Club Babes : Suffolk VA

I've been invited to join the Book Club Babes for their September meeting. I can't wait!
Thanks for choosing Sweet Tea and Secrets for your book this month.
See you soon!