Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Keep your book club alive!

We're all about at the end of our dreary winter weathered ropes. I know this for certain because on the news night before last they were covering the snow ... yes again, and use to NEVER get snow ... and they were interviewing a mother who said, "I wish someone woulda' shot that darn groundhog!" I bet more than a few of us are feeling that way about now.

I had to laugh. Nothing like a live interview in the south the catch you off guard.

So, if your friends are making excuses to not get together for book club, reel them back in. If they didn't read the book, they can still be part of the girls night out and she can catch up on the next read. Sometimes all we need is a little nudge to get us off the couch and out the door on a cold, wet night --- do your friend a favor -- NUDGE!

Have a wonderful book club meeting. I'd love to hear what you're doing at yours.
Next month I'll talk about a new little something I just heard about that some book clubs and authors are doing. Stay tuned!