Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Book by its Cover

A fun thing to discuss is the book compared to the cover art.

Did you know that most author's have very little influence in the cover art of their books? It's true. That's left to the marketing team and most of the time they do a fabulous job.

How do you think they did this time?
  • Did the cover make you pick this book to begin with?

  • Did the inside of the book deliver the goods promised?

  • Did you get what you expected?

  • After you read the book, did you look back at the cover and connect to the story?

  • What about the blurbs from other authors or reviewers...did that influence you one way or the other? Did you agree with the blurbs?

  • Does a certain color catch your eye? or foil letters? or pictures of dogs or landscapes?

  • Have fun chatting about the cover.
    Happy Reading.

    Sunday, March 8, 2009

    Fun Snacks

    How about making a Friendship Bread for a Book Club evening or morning treat? You've never heard of Friendship Bread? Oh my. You've been missing out.

    It's an Amish recipe for a sweet cinnamon bread that you use a "starter" to make. (That's where the friends come in!) You can even snazzy it up with nuts or fruit for your own unique twist on things.

    It's easy and yummy, too. You can get the starter recipe and several variations (chocolate and lemon, too) at the All Recipes website

    A nice pot of coffee or your favorite tea, and you're all set.
    Have a great Book Club meeting.

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    February Book Club Fun

    February - the month of love, romance, and to-die-for chocolates!

    Of course, this month will be a romance, right? What do you mean you don't read romance. Puh-lease. So don't pick up a historical if it's not your cup o' tea, or an erotic pub if it will make you blush, but there's romance in nearly every story you pick up. Even the occasional thriller. :)

    So let's talk about the romance in your book club book this month. If you are determined there wasn't one --- then let's turn the discussion to who we COULD have hooked up! A little matchmaking never hurt anyone.

    Have fun!